Ceredigion Sensitive and Complex Case Practitioners Training

As a practitioner who’s training the next generation of restorative practitioners, I find myself excited at the prospect of passing on my knowledge of working with families and individuals, who often present with sensitive and complex issues.

As a practitioner who’s training the next generation of restorative practitioners, I find myself excited at the prospect of passing on my knowledge of working with families and individuals, who often present with sensitive and complex issues.

Last month in Ceredigion, I was fortunate enough to deliver 2, 1 day’s restorative approaches training for sensitive and complex cases for Ceredigion Council Housing staff and partners.

It was inspiring to see how dedicated the staff are to embracing a new way of working and how as future practitioners I could sense how much of the training they were absorbing by the thought provoking questions and discussions on topics such as working with young people who exhibited ACE’S (adult Child experiences) and how to get ‘buy in’ from multi agencies who may be asked to attend formal restorative meetings.

The group enjoyed the discussions on ‘what is a sensitive and complex case’ and looking at the Restorative Justice Council Practitioner handbook and Codes of Practice.

Practitioners then enjoyed the rest of the day practising the skills of using the restorative questions and bringing together 4 people or more, by role play using bespoke cases studies whilst using helpful practitioner paperwork such as check lists, outcomes agreements and reflective assessments from their peers after facilitating formal complex restorative meetings.

All 20 participants’ feedback was that they benefited highly from this training and that this was a great opportunity to practice skills needed to prepare, hold and follow up on sensitive and complex cases in a safe environment.

For further information on our sensitive and complex case training please get in touch via email on contactus@restorativewales.org.uk